Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production & Curriculum Research,Pune
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About Textbook Bureau
  • The Kothari Commission in 1964 recommended that the state government establish an autonomous institution run on business lines for textbook production.
  • Accordingly, on 27th January 1967, the ‘Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production & Curriculum Research’ was established.
  • The state education minister is the ex-officio chairman of the bureau. The minister of state is the ex-officio deputy chairman.
  • The official whose post is on par with that of the director of education is the bureau’s director.
  • The board of governors has the highest authority as regards the bureau’s management.
  • The academic council, the curriculum and textbook research council, finance committee and executive committee helps the board of governors.
  • Providing assistance and inspiration for the proliferation of school education.
  • Production of school textbooks, teacher’s handbooks, self-study booklets and educational material.
  • Arranging for the printing, publishing, storage, distribution and sale of textbooks and educational material.
  • The bureau was registered under the ‘Societies Registration Act, 1960’ and ‘Public Trust Act 1950’.
  • The bureau’s nature is that of an independent, autonomous body having a monopoly over textbook production.
Administrative Structure
  • Main office is at Pune. Controller’s office is at Mumbai.
  • Regional Depots are at Goregaon (Mumbai), Panvel, Pune, Kolhapur, Nashik, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Latur and Amravati.
  • Day-to-day work of the bureau is carried out by various departments such as academic, production, finance, administrative, distribution, law and information, internal audit, research, computer, library, ‘Kishor’, etc.
Scope of Work
  • Production of textbooks for first to twelfth standards for all schools affiliated to the State Education Department.
  • Production of supporting Educational material for std 1st to 12th.